Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Monkey/infant see, monkey/infant do...

     A few days ago, I noticed these two infants, Zack- 24 months, and another toddler around the same age, and they were screaming at each other. One was screaming and the other would repeat the scream, same pitch and length. Zack would do that with every other kid that would scream in his general direction. Of course the older the toddler the less they would scream back. Then I noticed when a parent would do something the child would emulate it. One time, a parent took a noodle and slapped it on the water (which is a big no no), I then told the parent that slapping the noodle was not allowed. Sure enough, a few minutes later the son picked up the noodle and smacked it on the water. The parent was all severe, "That man said don't slap the noodle!!" Excuse me ma'am, under the law of "Monkey See- Monkey Do", you have yourself to blame. And it is true, toddlers are no better than monkeys: they rarely walk on two feet, they speak very little words (and I'm not talking about the chimps from Planet of the Apes), and they smell real bad, kind of like regurgitated Cheerios (with stomach acid) and defecation. So parents, be good examples to your kids, because monkey/infant see, monkey/infant do...

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